Today & Always.

“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”
~W.T. Purkiser

Today and always, I am thankful for:

A family who loves me unconditionally and supports all my dreams, even when the stars in my eyes seem so far up in the galaxy. Friends near and far, who share their joy and inspiration, who are a pillar of strength, who are the family I choose. Good health, because, truly, that is everything. Loved ones who may not be here in person anymore, but who will always be here in spirit and heart. The chance to watch dreams come true for people I love. Warm clothes, warm meals, warm homes … warmth. A passion for writing which continues to fill me up with every moment, to the point where my love for it just overflows, and the opportunity to live that passion every day. The ability to create stories in my head and allow my characters’ tales to flow from heart to hand to page. The experience of writing books that help me hope and help me heal – Mine to Love is for Sofie, for Brandon, for Ellie, but it is also for me, and I will be forever grateful for how it has changed my life. Characters who have become my friends and their stories that have become part of my own. A writing community that welcomes and supports. Wonderful music, wonderful television shows, wonderful movies, and wonderful Broadway musicals, all of which provide an escape and an inspiration. Beautiful books that invite me into the authors’ worlds, into their characters’ worlds, and resonate with magic so far beyond their pages. Fluffy socks, fuzzy scarves, cozy coats and boots. The Jersey shore, which is always special beyond words and has shown a resilience to be admired since Hurricane Sandy barreled ashore. Steamy chicken soup, delicious hot chocolate, and refreshing frozen yogurt. My laptop, writing journals, and the rainbow of pens that splash color across their pages. The ability to take long walks and enjoy nature’s beauty. The “moments like this” with my favorite singers, favorite authors, and favorite soap stars. General Hospital and American Idol, and the amazing people I’ve met because of them. The extraordinary and the ordinary that’s extraordinary in its own right. The memories we make and the moments we create. A past of experiences that still make me smile and a future filled with limitless possibility.

For hope, faith, love, luck, and life.

For people like you, who make my world infinitely special just by being in it and who have, truly, changed my life for good. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Much love to you all today and always! <3

5 thoughts on “Today & Always.

  1. That was beautifully said Shari :) Australian’s don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be thankful for all of the things that you are thankful for too. I hope more people are like you and realize that they can be thankful always, not just on Thanksgiving day.

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